Together with Elisabeth Wilhelm, I spent two days at the University of Memphis School of Public Health with the university high school students, and public health students and PostDocs, discussing how the modern information environment challenges public health.
We gave a seminar on how the information environment impacts public health through the layers of the socio-ecological onion (presentation preview and link to download below).
We also spent time together in a hands-on workshop, where students turned into public health professionals working with the health department in the fantasy city of Dilbeyville.
The students helped the health department conduct a rapid assessment of teen vaping practices, attitudes, and behaviors, debunk vaping-related misinformation, how to counter a marketing campaign encouraging vaping among teens, and brainstorm community engagement partnership with the local YMCA (presentation preview and link to download below).

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The presentations below contain videos – you need to download them presentation from SlideShare here and here onto your own computer, open in PowerPoint, and “enable content” to play the embedded videos.