I led and taught at WHO Europe’s Autumn school of health information and evidence for policy, 2016-2019.
This was a flagship course of the WHO Regional Office for Europe and was taking place annually since 2013. It was one of the main capacity-building events under the umbrella of the European Health Information Initiative. They were aimed at mid-level national leaders in health information monitoring and analysis, from national institutes of health, Ministries of Health, national statistics offices, health insurance funds, and other stakeholders involved in informing their national and subnational health policies.
The 5-day courses were redesigned and retooled each year to provide up-to-date policy-relevant content and practical exercises along the full health information cycle from data generation, health information and analysis, monitoring, and knowledge translation. They were marked by animated participation and advanced the skills and the professional relationships among participants that translated into better use of health information and evidence in policy-making so improvements in health are gained for the people of the European Region. Six months following, the trainees followed up with deep-dive topics at the Advanced course.
Here’s some news on the schools I was involved in:
- 2016: Bucharest, Romania – taught and implemented
- 2017: Tbilisi, Georgia (video) – led and taught
- 2019: The Hague, Netherlands – planned